European Education Area: Our reality by 2025 In line with article 14 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, education is a fundamental right and...
European Education Area: Our reality by 2025 In line with article 14 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, education is a fundamental right and...
The digital revolution should neither leave anybody behind nor lead to a ‘race to the bottom’ with regard to labour and social standards. It must contribute to...
What do we owe to social democracy? 150 years ago, Social Democrats tamed the first Industrial Revolution. By putting people first, we have built a unique society in...
Das Europäische Parlament nahm heute den Bericht der sozialdemokratischen Abgeordneten Silvia Costa an, der die Stärkung des Programms Kreatives Europa für den Zeitraum...
Child Guarantee in Europe NOW! One out of 4 children is at risk of poverty or social exclusion in Europe. The European Child Guarantee Children wants to provide decent...
Together in Ljubljana. Check out our political reportage in Ljubljana, where we met Tanja Fajon and Frans Timmermans!
Der Ausschuss für Bildung und Jugend des Europäischen Parlaments stimmte heute für neue Regeln für die Finanzierung des neuen Programms Erasmus+. Diese EU-Leitinitiative...
Jedes Jahr nehmen Tausende junge Europäerinnen und Europäer an Freiwilligentätigkeiten teil. Die Sozialdemokratische Fraktion im Europäischen Parlament möchte diese...
We want to give young Europeans like Philippe, Myriam and Giusy the chance they deserve to discover and live up to their full potential! This is why we advocate hard and...