A mai napon az Európai Parlament, a Bizottság és a Tanács a végső tárgyalások során összefogott, hogy visszaverje a jobboldaliak azon kísérletét, hogy gyengítsék a...
A szélsőjobboldallal koalícióban az Európai Néppárt (EPP) meggyengítette az erdőirtásról szóló uniós rendelet kulcsfontosságú rendelkezéseit. Az Európai Parlament mai...
Hearing with Teresa Ribera. Executive vice-president for clean, just and competitive transition We trust that Executive Vice-President-designate Teresa Ribera will work...
From the fringes of politics to centre stage.
Inequalities within and between countries are constantly rising. This is further exacerbated by multiple overlaying crises - such as the Russian aggression against...
Nature Restoration Law endorsed despite conservatives’ opposition: a monumental victory for people and the planet. Today, thanks to the relentless efforts of the S&D...
With a progressive majority, we passed the Nature Restoration Law. We spoke to César Luena and Mohammed Chahim about the fight to protect Europe's nature in the latest...
Fighting for the planet 🌍✊#NatureRestorationLaw. Nature Restoration Law endorsed despite conservatives’ opposition: a monumental victory for people and the planet. Today...