Free movement must be more fair, not less free: our alternative, progressive vision

  1. Free Movement of citizens and of workers is the core of EU citizenship and a pillar of the success of EU single market. To limit free movement would harm EU citizens and deprive them of a fundamental right. The real point is to do away with austerity and troikas, and to fight for a different growth policy and a different social policy in Europe promoting investment, cohesion and employment for all citizens in all Member States.
  2. Free Movement of citizens and workers is not the cause of social dumping. Voluntary labour mobility is key for Europe's economic success. What is unacceptable is that companies increase their profits by exploiting cheap labour cross-border in an EU that only challenges competitiveness on the basis of unit labour cost, leading to increases in the number of working poor while lowering wages and social conditions for all. We want to fight for high social and labour standards for all workers in the EU. We want a thorough revision of the Directive on posted workers to guarantee that all workers in the EU enjoy full rights and decent living and working conditions. We want "equal pay for equal work at the same place".
  3. Free Movement of citizens and workers is not and must not be an instrument to abuse social systems and social benefits. Access by EU citizens to social assistance is not an unrestricted right. European law allows national governments to limit access to social security and benefits in the first three months of residence, for first time job seekers and for non-active EU citizens. So national governments should not call for revision of EU laws on free movement. Member states should do their job, and fully and correctly apply EU law and introduce effective legislation to prevent abuses.
  4. Free movement in Europe is really free if it is a choice, not a forced option due to poverty. Poverty migration in the EU is an issue. But the problems we have to solve are growth divergences and poverty, not migration. We want Europe to be at the forefront of the battle against poverty and exclusion and we have fought to preserve European funds that support this purpose, like the ESF, the ERDF and the FEAD. The task is now up to national governments of both sending and receiving Member states: they must fully and transparently use European funds available to promote integration, social inclusion, fight against poverty, support communities to address any increase in the numbers of marginalized citizens - nationals or non-nationals.