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Press release 09/04/2024 S&D Group proposes compass for improvement of NDICI-Global Europe examination report ahead of the mid-term review
Press release 15/12/2023 S&D President Iratxe García in Senegal to support gender equality, fight against climate change and strengthen cooperation on migration
Press release 15/11/2023 S&Ds: Good news for multilateralism – Au revoir Cotonou Agreement, welcome Samoa Agreement.
Press release 19/07/2023 S&Ds welcome first EU review of Sustainable Development Goals, but we must speed up to reach targets
Press release 28/06/2023 S&Ds: Facing global challenges together requires equal partnership with Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Countries
Press release 22/06/2023 S&Ds push for Post-Cotonou Agreement ratification as ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly kicks off