Decent work, quality jobs, and poverty: The missing link in Europe 2020. What way forward?

14h30 – Welcome & opening remarks

14h45 – Panel 1: Civil Society / NGO perspective
Hélder FERREIRA, Sociologist, European Anti-Poverty Network: What is the reality of quality of work and employment on the ground over the past 5 years?
Barbara HELFFERICH, Director, European Anti-Poverty Network: Making the link with Europe 2020 and the Mid-Term Review
Q & A session

15h30 – Panel 2: Trade Unions’ perspective
Ronald JANSSEN, Economic Adviser, European Trade Union Confederation (tbc)
Friederike POSSELT, Head of Division Collective Bargaining Coordination, DGB - German Confederation of Trade Unions
Q & A session

16h15 – Panel 3: EU institutions respond
Detlef ECKERT, Director, DG Employment, Europe 2020: employment policies, European Commission (tbc)
Jutta STEINRUCK, S&D Coordinator EMPL Committee, European Parliament

16h45 – Debate with the audience

17h20 – Closing remarks


Six years after the beginning of the financial crisis, and four years into the Europe 2020 Strategy, the employment and social situation in Europe keeps deteriorating, with devastating consequences including increasing poverty and social exclusion. The slow economic recovery is not being felt by the millions of unemployed, people in precarious jobs or suffering from, or at risk of poverty. At this rate, the Europe 2020 employment target will not be met, and the poverty reduction target is undermined by a proliferation of punitive activation practices, attacks on workers' rights, and a downward pressure on wages and job quality, while inclusive labour markets remain a distant objective.

How can we bring back the quality dimension in the European employment debate, and make sure that it delivers on reducing poverty, promoting social cohesion, and ensuring a sustainable economic recovery? 
The Socialists & Democrats Group of the European Parliament will host a joint seminar with the European Anti-Poverty Network and the European Trade Union Confederation to critically examine how the quality of work and employment are taken up in the Europe 2020 Strategy, both at national and EU level: what are the consequences for poverty and social exclusion and how can we ensure that decent work and quality jobs are back on the agenda as a priority.

The event will include:

  • A presentation of the situation on the ground, including an analysis of policy responses at national and EU level, and their impact on decent work and poverty;
  • Policy recommendations and suggestions for next steps in employment and social policy making, focusing on Europe 2020 and the Mid-Term Review, but also on the new European Parliament and European Commission;
  • Reactions by European decision-makers and debate with the audience.