#EuropeTogether event: Call to Europe Conference - United for a Social Europe

#EuropeTogether event:  Call to Europe Conference - United for a Social Europe.

On Thursday 29 November, we will be holding a “Go Local” event to meet and discuss social Europe issues - please also register should you like to come along and meet us.

Participation in Together / Call to Europe Conference “United for a Social Europe” (Friday 30th Nov) 13.00 – 18.00

Uczestnictwo w konferencji Frakcji “Wspólnie / Call to Europe” pod tytułem “Wspólnie za Europa Socjalna” Piątek (30 listopada) 13.00 – 18.00

Register here for 29 & 30 November

On November 30 together with our long-time partners at FEPS (The Foundation for European Progressive Studies) we are taking our debates to Krakow, to talk about the importance of a social Europe, one that builds bridges and offers a viable alternative for the future.

We will be joined by a wide array of specialists and politicians, among which:

Tomas PETRICEK, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic
Bartosz RYDLINSKI, Director of Daszynski Center
Beata MOSKAL-SLANIEWSKA, mayor of Swidnica
Anna PACZESNIAK, Professor University of Wroclaw
Andre KROUWEL, professor at Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam
Maria Joao RODRIGUES, S&D Group Vice President and FEPS President
Zita GURMAI, PES Women President
Marek BALT, Member of the Regional Parliament of Silesia
Boguslaw LIBERADZKI, S&D MEP and European Parliament Vice President
Tadeusz IWINSKI, Professor and Member of FEPS scientific Board
Tanja FAJON, S&D Group Vice President and Group Spokesperson
Tuulia PITKANEN, Secretary general of YES

More speakers will be announced here soon.

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