Fair Tax Event - Stop the corporate tax race to the bottom

Fair Tax Event - Stop the corporate tax race to the bottom.

18.00-18.55     Registration

18.55             Opening with “TOGETHER” video presentation and introduction by the moderator Dolf Jansen


Paul Tang MEP, Head of the Dutch S&D delegation

Udo Bullmann MEP, President of the S&D Group

Sergei Stanishev, President of the Party of European Socialists (tbc)


19.10                Keynote speeches by

Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party, UK

Followed by Q&A session from the audience and via social media


Reaction by

Lodewijk Asscher, Leader of the Dutch Labour Party – PvdA

Followed by Q&A session from the audience and via social media


20.00                Panel discussion: “Our solution to tax avoidance in Europe”

(in alphabetical order):

Ana Gomes, MEP S&D, Vice Chair of the Special committee on financial crimes, tax evasion and tax avoidance in the European Parliament

Brooke Harrington, Professor, Department of Business & politics, Copenhagen Business school (invited)

Peter Simon, MEP, S&D Spokesperson for financial crimes, tax evasion and tax avoidance (tbc)

Followed by Q&A session from the audience and via social media


Reaction by discussants coming from the NGO world:

Dereje Alemajehu, Director of the global alliance against tax avoidance


20.45                Conclusions from the political panel and presentation of the “TOGETHER” Ambassadors by Jeppe Kofod, MEP, S&D Group Vice-President


20.50                Musical intermezzo


21.05                Adoption of the Statement introduced by Pervenche Berès, MEP, S&D Group Spokesperson on Economic and Monetary affairs and Paul Tang MEP, Head of the Dutch S&D delegation


21.10                Closing remarks by John Crombez, Leader of Belgian Socialist Party sp.a


21.25                Reception

MEPs involved
Coordinator, Member