Transforming agriculture and food policies: a social and environmental emergency
25 November 2023, Cité des congrès de Nantes
9h00 - Doors opening
9h30 - Introduction and welcoming speech
9h45 - Roundtable n°1: Fighting food insecurity at territorial level
11h15 - Roundtable n°2: The challenge of generational renewal in agriculture – How can we ensure access to land and limit land concentration?
12h30 - 14h00 - Lunch break
14h00 - Roundtable n°3: No agro-ecological transition without a real regulation of agricultural markets: challenging the neoliberal narrative
15h30 - Political Roundtable: Green Deal: how to overcome direct oppositions and achieve a successful agro-ecological transition?
16h45 - Conclusion
17h00 - End
A detailed programme including the speakers is downloadable below in French only.