S&D Conference: TTIP and Consumers. The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Join us on November 18 for a public debate on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) - the disputed trade agreement between the EU and the United States - focusing on the key issues for consumers: food, medicines and public services. How should we best incorporate consumer rights in TTIP? Can we guarantee the standards we want on food regulations and labour rights?  These are the key questions for Europe's negotiators - and we want to hear your views. Join us at the debate - in Brussels or online! 

Please register here if you would like to join us in Brussels: http://sdconf.socblog.eu/content/ttip-and-consumers-good-bad-ugly 

The whole event will be streamed live online and you can follow the debate via Twitter @TheProgressives.

And you can already send us your concerns and questions via Twitter and Facebook at www.facebook.com/socialistsanddemocrats, to put to our panel of experts and negotiators (see the programme below).

For more information, send an email to: s-d.TTIPconference@europarl.europa.eu

Guest speakers include:

Gianni Pittella - President of the S&D Group in the European Parliament

David Martin - S&D Co-ordinator of the Committee on International Trade

Cecilia Malmström - Commissioner for Trade

Michael Punke - Deputy United States Trade Representative and US Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in Geneva

Monique Goyens - EU Co-Chair of the Trans-Atlantic Consumer Dialogue

Damon A Silvers - Director of Policy and Special Counsel for the AFL-CIO

Penny Clarke - Deputy General Secretary, Head of EU Policy European Federation of Public Services Unions (EPSU)

Pascal Kerneis - Managing Director European Services Forum (ESF)

Bernd Lange - S&D MEP, Chairman of the International Trade Committee

MEPs involved