S&D Group & GPF event: Defending Peace Worldwide: The EU Strategic Compass

Defending Peace Worldwide: The EU Strategic Compass

Joint S&D Group and Global Progressive Forum (GPF) event

Defending Peace Worldwide: The EU Strategic Compass

The Socialists & Democrats Group is pleased to invite you to an online talk on “Defending Peace Worldwide: The EU Strategic Compass” taking place on 29 November 2022 from 14:00 to 15.00.                                                                   

The Strategic Compass was adopted by Member States on the 21st March 2022 as an outcome of almost two years process, following from the EU’s first joint threat assessment and negotiations among Member States. The draft was practically finalised, when on the 24 February 2022 Russia launched its war of aggression. While last minute revisions and negotiations made it possible to somewhat adapt the text, it is clear that in light of the tectonic shift in the European security environment, more adaptations might be necessary. As the HR/VP outlined, ‘A real war with conventional means and large movements of troops and weapons on our borders was not the scenario when the ‘Compass’ was drafted. Yes, it’s still valid and the actions have to be implemented and developed, but we have already started thinking about how to adapt the strategic compass to this new situation.’

This S&D event aims to contribute to this process of reflection. It will explore further how to shape the Strategic Compass in line with progressive security and defence values. This applies both to the implementation of priority actions identified in the compass but also to a potential reshaping of the strategy.

During the event, a panel of experts will discuss how to increase EU security and defence capacity and consequently allow the  EU to act as a global actor for peace.

 The discussion can be followed on:


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