SOLIDAR Silver Rose Awards Ceremony 2015

This year SOLIDAR is organising its 13th edition of the ceremony that will take place on Wednesday 3rd June 2015 in the European Parliament in Brussels.

The Silver Rose Award will be given to four different categories:

• Together for Social Europe
• Building Learning Societies
• Organising International Solidarity
• Lifetime Achievement Award

For more information and to register, please visit the SOLIDAR website

Or click here to register directly

A detailed programme is attached below

Since the year 2000 SOLIDAR organises every year the Silver Rose Awards Ceremony in the European Parliament with the support of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats.

This event brings together more than 400 people to celebrate individuals and organisations whose extraordinary struggles contribute greatly to social justice and solidarity throughout the world.

Winners are sometimes well-known; others are simply ordinary people leading extraordinary lives, reaching out to the most vulnerable groups in their societies, advocating for their rights, campaigning for their needs, and providing essential services such as soup kitchens, housing, children’s holidays and literacy classes. As SOLIDAR member organisations work both in Europe and around the world, examples of worthy recipients are not difficult to identify.

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