S&Ds want the European Union to take measures to stop the constant loss of farming jobs: between 2005 and 2014 almost one quarter (-23.6%) of agricultural labour input was lost in the EU.
Today the all-party agriculture committee in the European Parliament backed the proposals of S&D MEP Eric Andrieu on how the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) can improve job creation in rural areas.
The author of the parliamentary report Eric Andrieu MEP said:
"When the new CAP comes into force in 2020, we expect that the funding for farming (first pillar) will be at least maintained, while other aspects of rural development (second pillar) are further developed, such conservation of biodiversity, agro-tourism and other activities.
"The CAP, by encouraging the intensification of production and concentration of farms, had a negative impact on employment in rural areas. The new CAP will have to regain its legitimacy and meet the employment challenge. It should focus, through direct support, on small and medium-sized farms, which account for 79% of farms and are the most successful in terms of employment."
S&D spokesperson on agriculture Paolo de Castro said:
"Since the early days of the European Union, agriculture policy has played a crucial role to ensure food security, to support the economy in rural areas and also as a social stabilising factor. It should still play this role, so we need to modernise it and adapt it to the current challenges through a serious and ambitious mid-term review.
"In order to respond to the current scenario of prolonged crisis and to the serious impact on employment, the CAP has to be granted with sufficient funding in order to continue fostering employment, promoting the sustainable development of agriculture and ensuring that rural areas retain their appeal. Only then can we guarantee the sustainability of the European model of farming, together with its environmental and social dimension."
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