Tuesday 10 March
Conclusions of the special European Council Meeting of 20 February 2020 on the Multiannual Financial Framework
"I am very worried by the lack of European vision and the lack of will to push the agenda forward. This is about believing that we achieve more when we act together. There is no opposition between the EU and member states: they are at the core of the common project. We cannot accept the Council’s proposal because there would be losers in Europe. There are new challenges which require solidarity: in the fight against climate change and the digital transformation, we need a budget that makes sure no one is left behind in that transition We also need to use the EU budget to create new opportunities and to reduce already existing inequalities.”
Iratxe García Pérez, president of the S&D Group
S&D press officer: MARTIN DE LA TORRE Victoria, victoria.martindelatorre@ep.europa.eu, + 32 473 23 41 73
Wednesday 11 March
Council and Commission statements - Migration situation at the Greek-Turkish border and the EU's common response to it
"The situation today at the EU’s borders with Turkey was avoidable. However, member states in the Council failed to respond to Parliament’s repeated calls in the last few years for a reform to the Common European Asylum System. Now EU governments have to act: a mechanism should be established to step up and urgently process asylum applications and relocate asylum seekers from the Greek islands through family reunification and humanitarian corridors.”
Juan Fernandez López Aguilar, S&D MEP and chair of the committee on civil liberties, justice and home affairs
S&D press officer: MACPHEE Ewan, ewan.macphee@ep.europa.eu, +32 478 96 19 14
Tuesday 10 March
Commission statement - Strategy with Africa
“Our Group is excited about the opportunity to open a new chapter of EU-Africa relations. We call on the Commission to use the upcoming EU-Africa Strategy as a tool to lay the foundations for a new partnership of equals in the spirit of the United Nations Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals. The new strategy must contribute to building a more sustainable, more prosperous, and safer future for Africa, Europe, and the entire global community. If we want to achieve change for the better and in line with the United Nations Agenda 2030, we must put the fight against inequalities at the heart of our actions.”
S&D DEVE coordinator, Udo Bullmann,
S&D press officer: BERNAS Jan, jan.bernas@ep.europa.eu, + 32 471 64 87 77
Wednesday 11 March
European Semester for economic policy coordination: Employment and Social Aspects in the Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy 2020
“Inequalities in Europe are reaching alarming levels, even threatening economic competitiveness, at a time when economic growth is slowing down and the fight against the climate emergency demands our decisive action. We will only ever succeed in saving our planet, when we can ensure that no one is left behind during the transition to a digital and environmental sustainable economy. We must ensure that everyone receives education and training that opens up a better future, that workers receive decent wages and are able to also care for their children and the elderly. This is why we must align the European Semester with the Sustainable Development Goals and the European Pillar of Social Right to strengthen the social dimension and ensure that social, environmental and economic objectives have equal priority.”
Klara Dobrev, author of the European Parliament report on the Employment and Social Aspects of the Annual Sustainable Growth Survey 2020
S&D press officer: PELZ Silvia, silvia.pelz@ep.europa.eu, + 32 478 75 07 12
Thursday 12 March
Vote on the reopening of the investigation against the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic on the misuse of EU funds and potential conflicts of interest
“The resolution follows a parliamentary mission to the Czech Republic on the possible conflict of interest by the Czech Prime minister, whose former business empire is one of the largest recipients of EU subsidies in the Czech Republic. The S&Ds cannot and will not accept misuse of taxpayers’ money and will not allow a small group of oligarchs to enrich themselves and stain the EU project. The resolution supports journalists who brought the case to light and protesters who stood up for democracy and justice. It asks the Commission to recover all misallocated funds.”
Lara Wolters, member of the budgetary control committee
S&D press officer: CHIRU Dana, dana.chiru@ep.europa.eu, +32 460 96 33 54