S&Ds Times - Weekly Update. This Week's Highlights and What's Coming Up

Quote of the week by Iratxe García, S&D Group president:

“We need urgent, strong and coordinated action at a European level to fight the COVID-19 crisis. First and foremost, we need to protect people’s lives and their health, but we also have to be prepared to face the social and economic impact this crisis will have, whatever it takes. The EU was built on solidarity and today more than ever the principle of solidarity needs to guide our response.”

This week, the S&D Group launched an EU wide Action Plan on 'Fighting the pandemic, tackling its aftermath and preparing for a better future'.

Citizens expect the EU to respond to the coronavirus crisis with urgent, strong and coordinated responses. Watch the S&D Group president Iratxe García's message ahead of the PES leaders meeting to prepare the EU leader’s videoconference summit.

You can read a summary of our plan to fight the COVID-19 in EnglishFrenchGermanItalian and Spanish, as well as on the S&D website.

 The Action Plan was presented in the extranordinary plenary session on Thursday. The S&D Group is calling for an EU Marshall Plan with an Unemployment Reinsurance Scheme and a temporary minimum income scheme for those losing their job or self-employed. The plan also includes proposals like investment in research for a vaccine, EU-wide stockpiling of medical supplies and guaranteeing reliable food supplies.

During these unprecedented times, S&D MEPs are following the #stayhome guidance by teleworking and voting remotely.

You can follow our #stayhome campaign with tips on how to keep busy while at home on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

We have also been using our social media platforms to celebrate Europe’s real heroes: our healthcare workers. Every night, at 8pm CET, like millions of Europeans, we take to our windows to applaud their sacrifice for us all.

Next week, the Group will continue with its core activities.

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