Quote of the week by Iratxe García, S&D Group president
“Millions of Europeans see their job at risk and don’t know if they will have a job to return to when the COVID-19 outbreak lockdowns are over. Any action to support them is welcome, and the sooner we implement it, the better. We must ensure that no conditionality applies to countries accessing these loans and we expect all EU countries to commit so that there are enough funds to create a meaningful protective shield for workers.”
This week, the S&D Group welcomed the Commission’s announcement of a new temporary solidarity instrument to support workers and avoid massive unemployment caused by the COVID-19 outbreak.
The Eurogroup meets on April 7 via videoconference to discuss the unemployment scheme and other much-needed coordinated responses to the COVID-19 crisis. Our message to European leaders and Finance Ministers is clear: unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures and we need to issue Eurobonds and activate the European Stability Mechanism.
You can read more about the S&D Group’s EU wide Action Plan on 'Fighting the pandemic, tackling its aftermath and preparing for a better future'.
Our MEPs will use the next plenary session on April 16 to promote our 25 proposals to overcome the crisis.
While emergency measures are needed to tackle the COVID-19, Prime Minister Orbán has crossed all red lines. Hungary is becoming the first dictatorship in the EU and the S&D Group will not accept it. While the EPP refused to issue a joint statement from the European Parliament, on the Group’s request, President Sassoli will send a letter to the Commission and the Council condemning the Hungarian government and calling for swift action.
S&D MEPs continue to follow the #stayhome guidance by working remotely. This week, our Members met digitally to support action that tackles the economic and social impact the crisis. MEPs also participated in the committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs and the Internal Market and Consumer Protection committee.
You can follow our #stayhome campaign with tips on how to keep busy while at home on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Next week, the Group will continue with its core activities, including a videoconference meeting of the S&D Bureau and Heads of delegation on Wednesday 8 April.