S&Ds Times - Weekly Update. This Week's Highlights and What's Coming Up

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Quote of the week by Iratxe García, S&D Group president, on the Recovery Plan

“This week we expect the Commission to come forward with a Recovery Plan that includes a bigger EU budget, proposes new own resources and delivers a stronger social dimension - that way we can reduce divergences between member states and make sure that workers and citizens are placed at the heart of the recovery.”

The European Commission will present its proposals for the Recovery Plan for Europe on Wednesday 27 May. Following the presentation, there will be an extraordinary plenary session on the Recovery Package on Wednesday.

During the debate, S&D Group President Iratxe García will set out the S&D Group’s demands for an ambitious recovery plan, of at least 2 trillion euros, primarily through grants, not loans, that has to be in place as soon as possible, to respond to the economic emergency created by COVID-19.

Ahead of the Commission’s presentation, S&D Commissioner for Economy Paolo Gentiloni will speak to S&D MEPs at a Group meeting on Tuesday 26 May.

You can keep up-to-date on all our reactions to the Recovery Plan proposals on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

On Wednesday, S&D president Iratxe García and other political group leaders will meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Minister of State for Europe Michael Roth and Bundestag and Bundesrat Members to prepare for the incoming Germany Presidency from July - December 2020.

On Thursday, the Conference of Presidents will meet with EU Negotiator for EU-UK talks, Michel Barnier, for an update on the progress of negotiations.

Core activities of parliamentary committees and the S&D Group continue next week with a remote Group meeting for all S&D MEPs and a meeting of S&D Bureau members and Heads of delegations on Tuesday.

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