S&Ds Times - Weekly Update. This Week's Highlights And What's Coming Up

S&Ds - Weekly Update. This week's highlights and what's coming up

Quote of the week by S&D president, Iratxe García Pérez

We will be vigilant and make sure that over the next five years Ms. von der Leyen will deliver on the promises she made to us. She must remember that without us, there is no pro-European majority. So we will work constructively with the Commission and all pro-European groups to build majorities for progressive legislation

Upcoming activities

Next week we are looking forward to starting our collaboration with representatives of the Finnish government. As Finland has taken over the rotating presidency of the EU Council, we are expecting a series of meetings to take place in committees, in order for members of the Finnish government to present their priorities for the next six months.

Meet the S&D coordinators!

Now that all committees are set up, it’s time to get to work. Here’s a list of all our elected coordinators:

Udo Bullmann - Committee on Development
Paolo de Castro - Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
Ismail Ertug - Committee on Transport and Tourism
Jonas Fernandez - Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
Eider Gardiazabal Rubial - Committee on Budgets
Jytte Guteland - Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
Agnes Jongerius - Committee on Employment and Social Affairs
Petra Kammerevert - Committee on Culture and Education
Jude Kirton-Darling - Committee on Petitions
Constanze Angela Krehl - Committee on Regional Development
Claudiu Manda - Committee on Budgetary Control
Sven Mikser - Subcommittee on Security and Defense
Dan Nica - Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
Maria Noichl - Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality
Tonino Picula - Committee on Foreign Affairs
Domenec Ruiz Devesa - Committee on Constitutional Affairs
Isabel Santos - Subcommittee on Human Rights
Christel Schaldemose - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection
Birgit Sippel - Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
Kathleen van Brempt - Committee on International Trade
Tiemo Wolken - Committee on Legal Affairs

You can check out our coordinators’ contact info on our website.

This year’s European elections have seen the highest turnout in the past two decades. This stands to show that Europe is much more than a project. It is, also, why we have launched a call for an EU-wide consultation of people’s priorities on which the work and new mandate of the Socialists and Democrats Group in the European parliament should be based.

Therefore, we invite everyone who has an idea or an initiative to get in touch with us by adding a suggestion here. The ideas will be collected and submitted to the S&D Group’s bureau.

For updates and details, follow us on Twitter!

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