The report on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in a Digital Age was adopted yesterday in the special committee of the European Parliament, with the votes of the Socialists and Democrats. We made sure the text includes provisions for socially responsible and human-centric AI that works for people and does not undermine their rights and human dignity.
Brando Benifei MEP, S&D Group negotiator on the report, said:
“Today our group has sent a strong message to the European Commission and the member states: AI in the EU should be human-centric and ethical, developed and used for the common good and the best interests of our citizens and businesses. I have no doubt the competitiveness of the EU depends on the development and use of artificial intelligence. What we, the Socialists and Democrats, fought for was to find the balance between this and guaranteeing full respect for the rights and freedoms of citizens.
“We are convinced that the development and application of artificial intelligence in the EU must not go against the achievements of the S&D Group in the area of protecting personal data. It would be also unacceptable for us if management by algorithm and digital surveillance worsen working conditions. No business benefit can justify submission of workers to AI - in fact AI is worth nothing if it does not serve human beings.”
Ibán García del Blanco MEP, spokesperson of the S&D Group in the Special Committee of the European Parliament on Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age, said
“There are many voices in Europe who raise concerns about the digital age and the application of AI in our daily lives and work. Our group is definitely not against technical progress and we are aware how much the success of the European economy depends on the implementation of artificial intelligence. In a world full of inequalities it is the duty of our Group to make sure digital literacy for all ages goes hand in hand with the increasing use of AI in daily life.
“We need proper EU and national strategies to make sure technology works for people and not vice versa. I believe the future of the EU is in an environmentally just, fair and sustainable digital transition. This is why I am proud of the work we have done in the Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age and I am optimistic about the vote by all the members of the European Parliament during our plenary session in Strasbourg in May.”