In the view of the third International Conference on Financing for Development which will take place in Addis Ababa (13-16 July 2015) and the range of existing international initiatives to reform the global tax system, the S&D Group welcomes the resolution adopted by the European Parliament today on "Tax evasion and tax avoidance as challenges in developing countries".
S&D MEP and European Parliament rapporteur, Elly Schlein said:
"Better tax justice will help reduce inequalities and eradicate poverty, while also bringing an end to tax havens for multinational companies, including European companies.
"The European Parliament, by the adoption of this resolution, calls on the Commission to put forward an ambitious action plan to support developing countries in fighting tax evasion and tax avoidance and in setting up fair, well-balanced, efficient and transparent tax systems, also in view of the upcoming Conference on Financing for Development. Among our priorities are the strengthening financial and technical assistance to developing countries and regional tax administration frameworks; the adoption of strong solutions to enhance transparency and cooperation in the fight against tax dodging, such as an Automatic Exchange of Information mechanism, which takes into consideration developing countries needs and constraints, country-by-country reporting, and the creation of a truly inter-governmental body where developing countries could participate on an equal footing in the global reform of existing international tax rules".
S&D MEP Hugues Bayet said:
"Tax systems must represent solidarity, equality and equity between citizens of a country. Today however it is often not the case! We see, around the world, two speed tax systems with those who avoid it on one side and others who can only suffer it without any fair return.
"Tax revenue must contribute to strengthen the investment capacity in developing countries to finance infrastructure, public services, healthcare and education.
"I know that our challenge to fight tax evasion and tax evasion is huge. The EU must be a driving force to lead other countries. Let's send a signal, let's put in place the conditions that will stop tax evasion, and we will set an example for the other countries, and in the end it will be the citizens who will benefit from it."