Following today's adoption by the European Parliament of a resolution on the 2015 report on Bosnia and Herzegovina, S&D MEP and shadow rapporteur for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Afzal Khan said:
"Bosnia & Herzegovina has taken steady steps on its European path in the last year. We were pleased when twenty years after the Bosnian war ended, the country finally presented its EU membership application. Now we call on the European Council to examine this application at the earliest opportunity and to forward it without delay to the Commission in order to start the preparation of the avis, an extensive questionnaire addressed to the Bosnian authorities. How Bosnia progresses is of importance to the EU, as we seek to bring stability and prosperity to our neighbourhood, particularly the Western Balkans.
"The S&D Group remains committed to Bosnia's peaceful and progressive future, where fundamental freedoms are guaranteed to all its citizens. However, many outstanding issues remain: unaddressed socio-economic problems are pushing Bosnia on the brink of bankruptcy, and judicial institutions are still politicised and disreputable. It is time to end divisive nationalistic and secessionist rhetoric that polarizes the society and to seriously engage in reforms that will improve the lives of all citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Only a democratic, inclusive and functioning state can aspire to get closer towards the EU.
"We believe the Euro-Atlantic integration process remains the best hope for a stable and prosperous Bosnia. It will be a long journey for the country, but it is an important one."