Members of the European Parliament's legal affairs committee today voted in favour of a report on copyright reform that calls for more protection for the creators and consumers of content.
Speaking after today's vote, Mary Honeyball the S&D shadow for the report said:
"Today we have sent a strong message to the Commission - we need comprehensive copyright reform which guarantees fair remuneration for creators and protects consumers' rights. We need a fair and balanced approach which benefits all sections of the market but particularly those creating the films, books, and music that we love. If we don't get this right we risk losing the rich cultural and creative industries that have long thrived in Europe.
"We have secured strong measures that will help ensure access to culture for everyone, both in the physical and digital world, asking for minimum standards across the EU. The exemptions for education and for libraries will allow a much wider audience to gain access to content that they would not otherwise be able to.
"We also call on the Commission to look seriously at the role of intermediaries in the provision of cultural content. It cannot be fair that artists, performers or authors are struggling to survive while their work is making big money for big business. This is especially true in the digital world, where more and more of the content we consume is being created. We need a modern copyright system that reflects this new reality.
"Today's vote is an important step in the right direction; we have made it clear that the S&D Group will be on the front line fighting for creators' and consumers' rights."
The report will now be voted on in the Parliament's July plenary session.