Today at the conference of all political group presidents, Iratxe García called on the European Parliament president David Sassoli to urge national leaders to unblock negotiations on the Multiannual Financial Framework when he addresses them on December 12.
Iratxe García said:
“The European Parliament has been waiting for more than a year for the Council to be ready to speak about the budget Europe needs. The new European Commission will already be functioning next week, and new important legislation such as the New Green Deal will soon be presented. We cannot fully carry out our work until we know if key policy areas will have enough funding.
“Today I asked the European Parliament president David Sassoli to demand an urgent agreement from the European Council when they meet before the end of the year. The new budget should not be further delayed, and it must be ambitious enough to reflect the needs and demands of EU citizens.
“Yesterday, the Parliament clearly backed the new Commission, but we now need to know if the Council is equally committed to delivering to the citizens.
“My Group will definitely follow up on the commitments made by the Commission. I am glad that an extraordinary plenary will take place on December 11 and 12 to fully discuss the New Green Deal in the European Parliament.
“I have also asked President Sassoli to examine how the Parliament will work to ensure and monitor the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in new EU legislation. The New Green Deal is not just about climate. We must make sure that the quest for sustainability also addresses inequalities, poverty, education and all the other SDGs.”