Ending poverty and tackling inequalities must be the primary objectives of the EU, say S&Ds

S&D MEPs strongly influenced the European Parliament's position adopted today on the post-2015 development framework, with a key emphasis on a human-rights-based approach and the fight against all forms of inequality.
The S&D Group underlined the need for the EU to speak with one strong voice in defining the future global development goals, which must be ambitious and universally binding in order to tackle the root causes of global poverty effectively.
Elly Schlein, S&D negotiator on the post-2015 development framework, said:
"Some of our key priorities, including the fight against all forms of inequality – both within and between countries – as well as poverty eradication and sustainable development, are well reflected in the report. Other key issues for us were the universality of the framework, the leading role of the EU and the central place of women in development.
"We will use this ambitious position agreed by the European Parliament to promote a strong message to citizens, governments and our partners beyond the EU – all the way up to September 2015 and the UN summit. Next year is the European Year for Development and we can make a difference."
Norbert Neuser, S&D Group spokesperson on international development, added:
"We need to mobilise the financial resources promised by the EU member states, who committed to allocate at least 0.7% of their GNI (gross national income) to the aid budget, and to find innovative ways to implement the framework, such as the financial transaction tax. Furthermore, we have to support partner countries in their efforts to combat tax evasion and illicit financial flows, and promote corporate social responsibility in the private sector.
"Another key topic for the S&D Group is sexual and reproductive health and rights. They are a corner stone of human rights and ensure natural self-determination as a basis for equality, peace and growth."