Energy Union: S&Ds demand stronger action against energy poverty

S&D MEPs welcome the so-called Energy Union or 'Clean energy for all Europeans' package, to be adopted today by the Commission. The eight legislative proposals seek to reform Europe’s internal energy market, making it fit for the future and ready for increasing levels of renewable energy and energy efficiency. The proposals aim to achieve this through redesigning market rules to favour renewables and enable the integration of electricity storage and demand-side response.
Kathleen Van Brempt MEP, S&D Group vice-president for sustainability, said:
“The Commission promised to deliver 90% of the Energy Union strategy by the end of 2016 and we are happy to see that under the leadership of vice-president Maros Šefčovič it is keeping its word. We need to start working on these solid foundations as soon as possible. 
“Nevertheless, significant improvement is needed, such as raising the level of ambition for both energy efficiency and renewables, especially in light of the COP21 climate change agreement.
“Business as usual is not an option for our Group and we look forward to working with vice-president Šefčovič and the member states to this effect.”
Dan Nica MEP, S&D spokesperson on energy issues, stated:
"We need to use this package to improve the functioning of the internal energy market. At present electricity consumers and industry are simply paying too much. A more transparent, integrated and smart market, with the possibility for consumers to participate actively, will bring efficiency savings for all and help make the transition to a decarbonised energy system with the lowest costs possible.
"We also need to ensure we have a strong focus on improving the energy efficiency of existing buildings, with the aim of achieving a nearly zero-energy building stock by 2050.
"As a Group we will push strongly for affordable energy prices for our consumers, fighting to ensure that ending energy poverty and protecting vulnerable citizens is at the centre of this package, be it in relation to energy efficiency, the promotion of renewables, the governance framework or the retail electricity market.”

Find out more about the S&Ds' ambitious plans to end energy poverty.

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