Global trade is evolving and posing new challenges to the European economy. This is why Socialists and Democrats backed a report calling for an innovative strategy for the future of trade and investment.
Following the vote by the all-party trade committee in the European Parliament, David Martin, S&D spokesperson on trade, said:
“We support a trade policy that can deliver sustainable economic growth and jobs in the EU and further afield.
“The EU must respond to the challenges of the modern interconnected global economy, including services and digital trade, in order to draw the maximum gains for the widest range of people.
“The S&D group firmly believes that trade should be open, but subject to certain conditions. Our commitment to openness is a strength, but the lowering of barriers must be accompanied by progressive international rules that enable workers and ordinary citizens to benefit from trade. Not just within our borders, but in our trading partners too. International trade is one of the key ways that the EU can project its values to the world.
“The adoption of today’s report reflects the S&Ds’ strong commitment to high environmental and labour standards, as well as a longstanding commitment to sustainable development across the world.”