The European Commission must stick to its commitments on Europe's social agenda

S&D Euro MPs strongly deplore the European Commission’s decision to postpone the adoption of the Labour Mobility Package which was meant to strengthen social rights in Europe.
Among the proposals was the revision of the enforcement directive on the posting of workers in Europe.
S&D Group spokeswoman on employment and social affairs, Jutta Steinruck, said:
"I am very surprised that Commissioner Marianne Thyssen has backed down after she recently announced that the fight against social dumping was at the top of the Commission's agenda. Thousands of workers continue to suffer from social dumping and exploitation because of the legislative loopholes.
"We, the Social Democrats together with the trade unions, have been calling for a revision of the Posting of Workers Directive for a long time. We must ensure that the principle of 'equal pay for equal work' expands across national borders. The fact that the Commission has now put the Labour Mobility Package on hold makes me question their idea of a European Social Pillar."