The European Parliament today adopted a resolution in support of the fundamental rights of Hungarian citizens that are enshrined in European law. The resolution, which came after statements by the Hungarian Prime Minister on the reintroduction of the death penalty and increased victimisation of migrants by his government, made clear that the European Parliament would not accept changes to Hungarian law that threatened core European values.
Speaking after the adoption of the resolution, Birgit Sippel S&D spokesperson for the committee on civil liberties, justice and home affairs, said:
"This resolution makes clear that we will not accept changes to any member states' legal system that contravenes the values on which our Union is founded. The death penalty is incompatible with the very notion of what it is to be European. It is for this reason why we condemn the repeated statements by Viktor Orbán about instigating a debate on the re- establishment of the death penalty. Hungary is an important part of European Union and we want to make clear to the Hungarian population that this entitles them to inalienable rights that cannot be taken away at the whim of a desperate government.
"The resolution also strongly condemns the public consultation on migration and a country-wide billboard campaign that demonises and ostracises immigrants. We will not accept government sponsored attempts to whip up fear and hatred for political gain.
"Hungary is a beautiful country with a proud people, it deserves better than the cheap, ugly politics of recent months."
Note for editors
At the initiative of the S&D Group this Resolution calls on the Commission to come up with a legislative proposal for the establishment of an EU mechanism in democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights. The details of this mechanism will be discussed in the PSE Congress in Budapest. In addition, this resolution has mandated the LIBE Committee to draft a legislative own initiative report on the subject.