Following his visit to Srebrenica during the International Memorial Week organised by the Langer Foundation, Gianni Pittella, the president of the S&D Group in the European Parliament, said:
"Europe has a moral obligation to ensure truth and justice in Srebrenica. It represents an indelible stain on the history of the European institutions.
"Here in Srebrenica the wounds of war are still raw, as twenty years after the biggest genocide in European history after the Second World War, justice has not been done. It is unacceptable that people believed responsible for the massacre at Srebrenica are still at liberty today, without being held to account for what happened. In Bosnia we cannot accept half-truths. Without justice there is no reconciliation.
"Europe also has a moral duty to help Bosnia to move beyond the Dayton Agreement, offering the country a clear prospect of integration. The same institutional stability is at risk. The reform process must be supported and encouraged, with the involvement of all stakeholders. Without exceptions.
"Justice and European integration are the only ways to allow Bosnia to finally look ahead."