Reacting to the announcement of Alexis Tsipras as the new Greek prime minister and news that his Syriza party will form a coalition with the Independent Greeks party, Gianni Pittella, the president of the Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament, stated:
"The political message from the Greek elections is clear: more social justice and an end to the Troika and austerity.
"We share the same goals as the majority of the Greek people. Thanks to the Socialists and Democrats' fight in the Parliament we now have the Commission's investment plan and a new interpretation of the flexibility in the Stability and Growth Pact. It was not even realistic to dream about these major changes six months ago.
"We are confident that the new Greek premier, Alexis Tsipras, will join our fight, without being influenced by populist rhetoric. However, we doubt whether the decision to form a coalition government with the centre-right Independent Greeks party is the right way forward. We are still convinced that forming a coalition government with the Greek progressive forces would have been the most effective way to tackle the Greek economic and social crisis.
"Nevertheless, we are ready to open a constructive dialogue with Athens to change Europe together."