Today Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament asked for written clarification on the allegations that commissioner designate Cecilia Malmström undermined the EU position on data protection.
David Martin MEP, spokesperson on international trade for the S&D Group in the European Parliament, said during the parliamentary hearing:
"This is a serious allegation which if proven to be true, would raise significant questions over her suitability to negotiate the Transatlantic Trade and Investment agreement (TTIP) between the EU and the United States. The Parliament needs further evidence that these claims are not true.
"The commissioner designate showed she is a competent candidate for the position, but we were disappointed by the vagueness of her answers, particularly on some key issues for our group such as public services and sustainable development.
"Regarding investment protection, the Commission will have an easier time if it agrees to remove the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) system from on-going negotiations such as the agreements with Canada and the United States.
"We welcome Ms. Malmström's commitment to preserve the right of the EU and its member states to regulate in the public interest. In this sense, we are deeply disappointed that she retracted her statement, made last Friday, saying that she would remove ISDS from TTIP.
"If appointed commissioner, we expect that she will keep her promise to improve transparency and to cooperate closely with the European Parliament.
"It is in the interest of the new trade commissioner to avoid an ACTA-like fiasco."