No one should face jail for abortion, say S&D Euro MPs

S&D Euro MPs are outraged by plans to impose a complete ban on abortion in Poland; where the current law is already very restrictive. They support the demonstrations that are being organised this weekend in big cities across Europe in solidarity with Polish women and call on Polish prime minister Beata Szydlo to stop this initiative now.

Poland has already one of the most restrictive laws on abortion in the EU, allowing women to terminate pregnancy only in three extreme cases.

The draft law launched by anti-choice activists would introduce a complete ban on abortion and a new category into the criminal code – “prenatal murder”, which will introduce penalty of 3 to 5 years in prison for women, doctors and anyone helping a woman to perform an abortion.

S&D Group leader Gianni Pittella said:

"In our modern times, no woman, no doctor and no one should face jail for having or helping a woman to perform an abortion. We, as socialists and democrats, reject this form of obscurantism from another age.

"As socialists we cannot stand idly by in the face of such dramatic breaches of women's rights in an EU member state.

"We urge the Polish government to step back from this proposal."

S&D Group spokeswoman for women’s rights and gender equality, Marie Arena added:

"Such a ban is simply criminal. It would lead to the endangering of the life and health of women, increased maternal mortality and morbidity and lead to the denial of life saving care and to an increased number of clandestine abortions.

"As a woman and mother, I want to appeal to the prime minister Beata Szydlo to stop this initiative immediately. Instead, the government must recognise the inalienable rights of women and girls to choose what to do with their bodies and the right to access voluntary family planning and safe and legal abortion."

Join the protest organized in front of the Polish embassies all over Europe. In Brussels, it will take place at 2 pm, this Saturday, in front of the Polish embassy, Rue Stevin. Find out more here.