Now it is time to end child poverty at Porto Social Summit

Smiling girl with a plate of food at a school canteen

With one in five children at risk of poverty in the EU, S&D Euro MPs will, in a debate this evening in the European Parliament, call on EU leaders to make a commitment at next week’s summit in Porto to end child poverty.  The Socialists and Democrats demand a dedicated €20 billion to ensure decent housing and adequate nutrition, as well as free, quality education, childcare and healthcare for all children.  

Brando Benifei, S&D MEP responsible for the European Child Guarantee, said:

“One in five children in Europe goes to bed on an empty stomach, has no roof over their head, or their parents cannot afford to pay for childcare, school supplies or essential medicines. As the pandemic is making the situation even worse, European and national public intervention is more urgent than ever. We call on the member states to take the Parliament resolution into account when adopting the Council recommendation. There is no time to lose, we need the Child Guarantee and the National Action Plans urgently!

“Childhood poverty constitutes countless individual tragedies, but also inflicts long-term damage on our society as it increases the likelihood of unemployment, poverty, homelessness and drug abuse later in life. That is why, since 2014, we have been campaigning for a new integrated approach to tackle the multiple aspects of child poverty:  the European Child Guarantee. EU governments must ensure there is decent housing and adequate nutrition, as well as free, quality education, childcare and healthcare for all children in need. There is simply no better investment than investing in our children.”

Agnes Jongerius, S&D MEP and spokesperson for employment and social affairs, said:

“We call on EU leaders to follow their hearts at the May Porto Social Summit and do the right thing. It is simply heartbreaking to watch more and more children fall into poverty as the pandemic unfolds.

“As part of the Social Action Plan presented by the socialist Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit, the Child Guarantee is a political milestone for building a more inclusive and resilient society for all. We demand €20 billion in funding for the Child Guarantee. The European Parliament’s resolution is a strong call on EU governments ahead of the Porto Social Summit on May 7 2021. We can end child poverty now – so let’s do it.”

Note to the editor:

Tonight, there is an Oral Question to the Council and Commission on the European Child Guarantee in the plenary. The European Parliament will vote on its resolution tomorrow.

You can find the 2030 Porto Declaration for Sustainable Wellbeing jointly adopted on the 21st of April 2021 by social partners, civil society and the S&D Group here.

You can register for the joint S&D and PES conference From Gothenburg to Porto: The Road to Social Europe - Social Progress and Wellbeing for All by 2030, which will take place on the 6 of May from 19:00 to 21:00 CET here.

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