Only dialogue between government and opposition will end Venezuela crisis say S&Ds

The Socialists and Democrats Group today backed a European Parliament resolution expressing concern at the institutional blockage and socio-economic crisis in Venezuela. The resolution welcomes the international support for the mediation by the former presidents invited by the Union of South American nations (UNASUR) and it calls for more efforts in that direction. It also demands that the European Commission proposes an assistance plan for the country, based on co-operation and the supply of basic goods to the Venezuelan people.
S&D MEP Ramón Jáuregui, co-chair of the EU-Latin America Assembly (Eurolat), said:
“The Socialists and Democrats Group denounce the abuse of power and the socio-economic fiasco of the Venezuelan government, but we are also careful to stress the need for dialogue and compromise between the government and the opposition as the only way to solve the grave problems in Venezuela.
“This doesn’t prevent us from asking the government to respect the separation of powers and the decisions taken by the National Assembly, as well as the liberation of political prisoners and a package of socio-economic measures – in agreement with the opposition – to take the country out of this very profound crisis.”
Carlos Zorrinho MEP, S&D spokesperson for Eurolat, said:
"All our efforts are needed to promote national reconciliation in Venezuela. The European Parliament's resolution is a clear signal of Europe’s willingness to co-operate to that end.
“A constructive dialogue and full respect for political rights and democratic rules are essential to unblock this impasse, which has brought suffering, scarcity and deprivation to the Venezuelan people.”
S&D MEP Francisco Assis, chair of the parliamentary delegation to Mercosur countries, added:
“Venezuela is in a tragic situation from a political, economic and social point of view, and although the current international economic fluctuations, the drop in oil prices and some natural disasters have contributed to this, we cannot ignore that the political turmoil has also contributed to this state of affairs.
“All this leads us to reinforce our call for a comprehensive process of national dialogue between all parties, as the polarisation of Venezuelan society means no peaceful solution can be achieved without it."