Speaking after the announcement of the UK government on EU citizens’ rights, S&D Group President Gianni Pittella said:
“We have serious concerns about the proposal today from Theresa May on EU citizen’s rights. The UK is a full member of the European Union until it has officially left and it must meet the rights and obligations that this entails. To have a cut-off date before the UK leaves is effectively creating two classes of EU citizens. Someone who arrived on 30 March 2017 must not be treated differently to someone who arrived one day earlier. That would be completely unacceptable.
“We also have serious concerns about how these rights will be guaranteed in the long-term and on the principle of reciprocity. If in five, ten or 20 years the UK fails to meet its commitments, then who will make sure EU citizens are protected? We need much greater clarity on the role of the ECJ.
“There are many important details still missing in this proposal – especially on family unification, the administrative burden of applying for settlement and the rights of frontier workers.”
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