Following the adoption of a resolution on the outcome of the British referendum by the overwhelming majority of the EU Parliament, the S&D Group leader, Gianni Pittella, stated:
“The EU must redefine our new relationship with the UK as soon as possible. We cannot remain hostages to the internal caprices of the Conservatives in London. Cameron bears the historic responsibility for having pushed the UK out of the EU. He should now have the decency to start the withdrawal process as swiftly as possible before he disappears forever from the public scene.
“However, no referendum will break the historical, cultural and ideological links between the British people and Europe. As long as UK has not completed the leaving process, the European Union will remain the home of all British citizens.
“The outcome of the British referendum is not only the result of Cameron's game of Russian roulette. It stems from taking the wrong approach to globalisation, from the dominant role of finance, from inequality, social desperation and fear for the future. In these last years, Europe has focused too much on banks and finance, and too little on people. We have to make clear that the power of democracy must overcome the power of finance.
“We call on the Commission to shape a new political roadmap starting with the social agenda and with an ambitious reform of the Posting of Workers Directive. We must put an end to austerity by finally changing the stability and growth pact in order to boost public and private investments. The S&D Group will oppose any attempt to constitutionalise the Fiscal Compact. The Commission must also eradicate unfair tax competition, tax havens and tax avoidance, putting into practice the special tax committee’s recommendations.
“Europe needs a new institutional framework. We have to improve the democratic legitimacy of the EU.
“To do this we will launch a socialist convention in the autumn, to build a shared platform to reform Europe.
“We must all rise to the challenge of these harsh circumstances, by reforming for Europe for the better and not dismantling it."