Following today's press conference held by the President of the EU Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, the leader of the Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, Gianni Pittella, stated:
"Juncker has replied positively to the S&D request for a quantum leap in the Commission's work. Now we urge the President to move from words to deeds. We very much welcome Juncker´s commitment to convince EU countries to implement all the measures put in place to tackle the influx of refugees. We also share the aim to revise the Dublin system and to create legal corridors for refugees. On the economic side, we call on the Commission to reinforce the efforts to make the investment plan a success story. The outcome of the plan in terms of economic growth and fight against unemployment are not yet adequate."
"It is high time for the Commission to deliver on the Social dimension. This represents one of our main priorities and we will firmly evaluate the Commission on this. We are positive about the intentions outlined by President Juncker to present new proposals on health and security at work, the revision of posting of workers directive and the setting minimum social rights in the near future. These are ambitious goals that we fully share. We now must see concrete action on this."