Gianni Pittella, the President of the Socialists and Democrat Group in the European Parliament, has met the new Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn during the annual Labour Party conference in Brighton. Pittella congratulated Corbyn on his recent election and stressed the importance for Europe and for British people of keeping Britain in the EU.
Gianni Pittella said:
"The place of the United Kingdom is in Europe. Only together can we tackle the challenges of our continent, only together can we compete in this new globalised world and only together can we face new political and security threats. It is good to see a Labour Party that is committed to a pro-European campaign in the upcoming referendum."
"Labour's allies in Europe want Britain to remain in the EU, to continue to fight with us for a Europe of equality and social justice. We will campaign for the United Kingdom to stay in Europe because it is the best option for future generations."
Labour's leader in the European Parliament, Glenis Willmott MEP, added:
"Labour Party members understand that our membership of the European Union is vital for working people. It's about jobs, equality and basic rights, all of which would be at risk unless we win the upcoming referendum."
"The message from this conference to our European partners is clear: we are a party that believes in Britain's place in Europe. We will campaign for Britain to stay in Europe, and then we will campaign for Britain to start leading in Europe again."
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