S&D Group president Gianni Pittella met today with UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn to discuss Brexit and the future of the EU. The meeting came as part of a European tour to forge a new progressive political platform for Europe.
Following the meeting, S&D Group president Gianni Pittella stated:
“Regardless of Brexit, Labour is, and will remain, one of the main actors in the European progressive family.
“We need to work together with the Labour Party to ensure a fair Brexit for British and EU citizens. The ultra-hard Brexit being pushed by the UK government is dangerous and would have damaging consequences for both the UK and the EU. We will make sure a hard Brexit is hard for the UK government to get.
“A fair Brexit means respecting that the four freedoms as expressed in the Treaties are inseparable. However, a fair Brexit also means that the rights of EU citizens living and working in the UK and UK citizens living and working in the EU are mutually guaranteed!
“The European left needs the contribution of the Labour Party to help forge a new common progressive platform.
“We agree with Corbyn on a lot of priorities: a growth orientated economy built on public investment; a social and youth agenda; fiscal justice and policies to tackle tax evasion; a fair migration policy; and closer European cooperation on defence.
“We have the moral obligation to stand against any plan to detach the UK completely from Europe. We belong to the same family and together we will keep fighting for our common values and principles.”