Speaking during a debate with Polish Prime Minister in the European Parliament in Strasbourg today, S&D Group President Gianni Pittella said:
"Poland for its history, for its culture and its geopolitical importance is one of the pillars of the European Union. However we cannot resign ourselves to the fact that from a shining example in its fight against totalitarianism, Poland could slide to become a country where the independency of the constitutional court and the freedom of the media are under threat. The European Commission has therefore rightly opened a preliminary investigation and dialogue on these changes. I urge the Prime Minister to withdraw the contested measures. Poland is a great country and the Polish people deserve better. We are on their side."
S&D Group Vice President Tanja Fajon added:
"In the last 30 years Poland has been an inspiration to millions across Europe, with its transition from single party rule to becoming a thriving multi-party democracy. In this time it has become an economic success story and an indispensable member of the European Union. However, this progress cannot be taken for granted; it has only been made possible by strong independent institutions and a robust and critical media. This is why the latest proposals of the Polish government are so concerning, they threaten the very foundations of what has made Poland's rise possible. We fully support the Commission's decision to investigate the effects of these changes and start a constructive dialogue with the Polish government. The Commission must not be afraid to use these powers to investigate proposals that may damage the principle of the rule of law wherever they occur, be it in Warsaw, Budapest or Bratislava."