Pittella: S&D calls for an international inquiry on the massacre taking place in DR Congo

During a debate in Plenary on the massacres in Eastern Congo, S&D Group president Gianni Pittella called for an international inquiry. 

President Pittella said:

"This conflict has resulted in six millions deaths in 20 years. That is 300 thousand deaths a year, 800 every single day. Nevertheless, some still dare to call the conflict going on in DR Congo, especially in Nord Kivu Region, a 'low tension' conflict. In fact, it is dramatically and shamefully clear that the international community and the African Union have paid 'low attention' to this neglected tragedy.

"The S&D Group asked and obtained a vote on a resolution urging the European Union not to turn a blind eye to the brutal militias who massacre unarmed people in order to expel the population and take full control of the exploitation of natural and mineral resources. We saw this clearly in the recent Beni city massacre.

"We specifically call on high representative for foreign affairs, Federica Mogherini, to launch an international inquiry into these massacres, in collaboration with the United Nations and the International Criminal Court. We also urge the European members of the Security Council to take all possible action within the Council in order to stop these crimes.

"We demand that the UN provides an impartial assessment on the progress of the Monusco mission, the main goal of which should be to protect civilians.

"In the coming weeks, Elena Valenciano, president of the subcommittee on human rights, will go to Eastern DRC in order to meet civil society representatives and report back on the concerning situation on the ground.

"These crimes against humanity cannot go unpunished. Europe, wake up."