Following the revelations of the #LuxLeaks scandal, tax policy is at the top of the European agenda and the Socialists and Democrats Group are launching their #TaxJustice campaign. This will take up the ongoing #NoTaxHaven campaign, together with our other key priorities to achieve a fair tax system in Europe.
Gianni Pittella, president of the S&D Group, today called for a European crackdown on unfair practices which cost €1 trillion every year in Europe and raise taxes for European citizens. He proposed tough measures:
"In Europe, we have a serious problem with unfair tax practices and tax avoidance. The paradox is that most of the leaked cases are not illegal. This is an unacceptable paradox. We want unfair tax competition between member states to be finally tackled by working for more European harmonisation. Therefore we are launching our #TaxJustice campaign.
"The European Parliament must play a strong, leading role on this issue. The S&D Group is calling for a great European crackdown on tax havens, tax fraud and avoidance with the following practical measures:
- The European Commission and EU member states should adopt a clear and comprehensive definition and a common set of criteria to identify and blacklist tax havens
- The EU must ensure no EU funding is granted to any company involved in tax fraud
- Multinational companies must be obliged to pay taxes where they produce their profit
- A range of sanctions aimed at deterring tax avoidance from tax advisors are also needed
"By pressing for this action in the Parliament and more widely, we will gain the support needed to convince national governments to take up their responsibilities to European citizens.
"Our battle is the battle of the people."
Note to editors
S&D MEPs have long been leading the campaign for tax justice in the EU. As well as the #NoTaxHavens campaign we have commissioned major research into the impact of tax fraud and tax evasion - Closing the tax gap - and our rapporteur, Mojca Kleva Kekuš, led the investigations into unfair tax practices and published the report on the Fight against tax fraud, tax evasion and tax havens.
A website dedicated to the #TaxJustice campaign will be launched shortly.