On International Women’s Day, S&D Euro MPs called on the European Commission to take action in order to improve the balance of responsibility between men and women in both their professional and private lives.
Improving work-life balance and gender equality is part of the European pillar of social rights, which the Socialists and Democrats are campaigning for.
Find out more on the S&D’s Social Rights Campaign here.
Today the S&D Group discussed these issues with Monserrat Mir Roca, the ETUC Confederal Secretary and Annemies Drieskens, the president of COFACE/Families Europe.
S&D Group leader Gianni Pittella said:
"Too often women assume multiple family responsibilities. Not only do they give birth, but the vast majority fulfil the role of primary carer for their children and family members. For these reasons, many of them are forced to curtail their careers or in the worst-case scenario to give up their job entirely. Only 3% of men in Europe take parental leave for instance. This is an unbearable and unacceptable situation that women disproportionally face compared to men. We want to ensure access for all to parental rights. That is why we are calling on the Commission to put forward a strong proposal to improve work-life balance.
"Decisive progress is needed to improve gender equality and social rights in order to eliminate the persisting discrimination between women and men in the labour market. Together with trade unions and civil society, we urge for new effective measures, including legislative proposals as regards maternity, paternity, parental and carers’ leave. We believe women and men should be equal workers, equal earners and equal carers."
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