Plenary update - Strasboug session from 3 to 6 October 2016

Press conference with Gianni Pittella on Tuesday at 10.10 in room LOW N-1/201.
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Our Priorities


 ▶ Tues 4 October 

Avoiding conflicts of interest of past and present Commissioners
+33 3 88 17 5159

S&D Group president Gianni Pittella urges president Juncker to tighten up the rules of conduct for members of the Commission following Neelie Kroes being  named in the Bahamas leaks. He is also calling on the Panama inquiry committee in the European Parliament to investigate these new leaks on tax evasion.

There is no time to waste. We need radical change. We need more transparency, more ethics, decency and sanctions for those who ignore these basic principles. Commissioners have to act in the interests of citizens and their conduct, during and after their mandate, must be above all suspicion.


▶ Tues 4 October 

Macroeconomic situation in Greece, structural reforms and their impact, as well as prospects for future negotiations within the Programme
+33 3 88 17 5777

The debate in plenary will be held before the decision to be taken by the Euro group in October on the disbursement of €2.8 billion of loans following the €7.5 billion disbursed in June.

After years of crisis and a deep recession, Greece is now starting to grow again. The Greek authorities have undertaken, under the three assistance programmes, very extensive reforms which the EU need to support. However, the situation of public finance remains precarious and difficult for decades. Therefore concrete measures on debt sustainability are urgent. Our Group asks for an agreement as soon as possible on these measures which are pre-conditions for the success of the third programme.


▶ Wed 5 October 

Colombian peace proces
+33 3 88 17 5582  

The historical importance of the Colombian peace agreement lies in putting an end to the series of armed conflicts which happened in Latin America throughout the XX century. However, the human and social importance of the agreement consists of bringing peace to a country that suffered a 50 year-long violent tragedy.

 We, European Socialists and Democrats, congratulate the Colombian people for their generosity in accepting an agreement that may not be perfect, but certainly is key to finally achieving the peace. We also congratulate President Santos for his wise and hard work in such a complicated process. We acknowledge too the significance of the FARC's decision to put an end to violence and engage with a political democracy, since that is the cornerstone of the peace.

 The European S&Ds support the Colombian people in this new time now beginning. We will carry on working to guarantee that EU economic and political aid be used to solve the problems caused by the armed conflict and to compensate those who suffered the violence.


▶ Wed 5 October

Situation in Democratic Republic of the Congo
+33 3 88 17 5846  

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is a ticking bomb that needs the full attention of the international community. We need to react now before the deterioration of the political crisis leads to an open conflict with dramatic consequences for the country, the region and the continent. Alerted by these prospects, and following a fact-finding mission to the East of the country on the ongoing and constant violence in the region, the S&D Group has again requested that the Parliament put its focus on DRC. We will urge the international community, particularly the EU, to have a firm action that can put an end to this deterioration, foster the political dialogue, preserve the constitutional order and properly address the dramatic humanitarian situation.


▶ Wed 5 October  

Situation in Syria
+33 3 88 17 5832  

The situation in Aleppo is dramatic. In spite of the agreement of the 9th of September on the cessation of hostilities, the Assad regime, supported by Russia are continuing to deliberately target civilians, a humanitarian convoy last week, doctors and hospitals. The water supply have also been cut off. We strongly condemn this actions, which are an unacceptable breach of international humanitarian law and could be qualified as war crimes.

 We shall urge the HR/VP Federica Mogherini, the international community and the United Nations to use all necessary diplomatic instruments and pressure to end the indiscriminate aerial bombardment of civilians and for the cessation of hostilities to be implemented, respected and prolonged in order to allow full humanitarian access to the besieged areas.

At the initiative of our group, a Resolution of the European Parliament will be voted next week.


▶ Wed  5 October 

Women’s rights in Poland
+33 3 88 17 5690  

We strongly condemn the passing of a new bill to the committee stage in the Polish parliament that would criminalise women who had an abortion and the doctors and nurses who performed it, even in cases of incest or rape. It is a breach of a woman’s fundamental rights that in even these extreme cases she would not have the right to decide if they want to terminate the pregnancy. This will cause unnecessary suffering and mental anguish for thousands of women that have already been through horrific ordeals. We urge the Polish government to reject this bill and will stand side-by-side with all those in Poland who oppose this affront to women’s rights.


▶ Wed 5 October

2016 UN Climate change Conference in Marrakesh, Morocco (COP22)
+33 3 88 17 5842 

The EU and its member states are speeding up the ratification of the Paris Agreement – that is a great signal to our partners in the North and the South.  The EU's ratification might help the agreement to enter into force, making this year's UN climate summit even more important. Less than a year after the success of COP21 we will once again celebrate the world's commitment to climate action in Marrakesh.

The Paris Agreement is a game changer for the energy and climate policy of developed countries. Especially the EU will have to show responsibility and implement the agreement's obligations in more ambitious climate legislation like the Emission Trading System and the Effort Sharing Regulation. The parliament will push for a solid review of both files while closing loopholes for industries and member states.

In Marrakesh, the European Commission and EU member states will have to specify their long-term strategies on decarbonising the economy and clarify their financial commitments to reduce the negative effects of climate change.


▶ Mon 3 October  

How to make fisheries control in Europe uniform
+33 3 88 17 5432 

The S&D Group attaches utmost priority to fisheries controls in order to achieve the objectives of the CFP Reform. The forthcoming revision of the Control Regulation must set effective rules able to prevent, detect and sanction infringements of the CFP, focusing on greater harmonization and increased cooperation establishing transparent, standardized control procedures. The important role of EFCA must be acknowledged, including through the allocation of sufficient resources.

Member states are responsible for the implementation of the Control Regulation; closer cooperation between member states as well as coordination with EFCA and the European Commission is thus crucial for the further harmonization of effective controls.


▶ Tues 4 October 

European Public Prosecutor's office and Eurojust
+33 3 88 17 5788 

The European Parliament has a key role in the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor's Office. Without our consent there will be no such institution. Therefore, we send a strong signal to the Council: We are not offering a blank cheque - we will only say "yes" to the establishment of an EPPO if it offers an European added value for the protection of European taxpayers' money. The EPPO must work independently from any political influence, there must be a clear division of competence between the EPPO and the national authorities, the EPPO must be responsible for PIF cases, including VAT fraud, and we need a high standard of procedural rights for suspected or accused persons. It is also important to clarify the relations between a future EPPO and Eurojust, which plays a key role in supporting national investigative and prosecution authorities in fighting serious cross-border crime.


▶ Mon 3 October

The future of ACP-EU relations beyond 2020
+33 3 88 17 5892 

It is time to renew the relations with African, Caribbean and Pacific states. Not only, because the current Cotonou Agreement expires in 2020, but also, because pressing challenges need solutions that we can only achieve commonly with our partner countries. S&D rapporteur Norbert Neuser is happy about the support in the EP for a new structure of the cooperation that keeps the unity of EU states with its 79 partner countries under one umbrella, and allows at the same time closer regional cooperation.

Climate change is one of the issues that the EU and ACP countries have to tackle, another is to address poverty and fragility of states as the root-causes of migration in a sustainable way. The forum is best placed to listen to each other's needs and find common solutions to global problems.


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