Plenary update - Strasbourg session from 12 to 15 December 2016

Quote of the week from S&D president Gianni Pittella:

The European Parliament – the only institution elected by the citizens – has the historical duty to become the pillar of a new EU devoted to growth, the social agenda, a migration policy based on solidarity and shared responsibility, to a more ethical political system and economy and that finally invests in a new sustainable development model. This is the Europe citizens want. For this Europe I will keep fighting.

Press conference with:

S&D Group president Gianni Pittella on Tuesday 13 December at 10.10 in room LOW N-1/201. Watch the action live :

S&D priorities for 2017

Gianni Pittella
+ 33 3 88 17 5159 

We are committed to a new, dynamic and fairer Europe.

Our mission must be to give new hope to the next generations. We must show courage and creativity. We must fight against austerity and exclusion for social justice, solidarity and cohesion. A new model of sustainable development is needed more than ever.

More public investment needed to boost the recovery of the European economy.

A new growth-oriented economic policy must rest on two pillars: a new investment strategy and a more flexible fiscal stance.

The fight against corruption should be central to our agenda and the narrative about structural reforms should change radically.

Fraud, tax evasion and tax avoidance are the main enemies of the European Union.

Our Group takes a positive view of the Commission’s engagements towards creating a true European system for managing migration and asylum seekers. The migration problem is a European one and needs European solutions.


Labour market reforms and labour relations in Greece
Wednesday 14 December 2016 

Gianni Pittella 
+ 33 3 88 17 5159 

We express our solidarity with Greek authorities and People in their efforts for recovery, human dignity and social justice.   

The EU acquis in labour issues should also be applied in Greece It must be ensured that Greece will not be the exception as far as it regards labour rights; The collective labour contracts are a very important acquis which must also applied for Greece.

S&D Group’s solidarity with Greek authorities and People in their efforts for recovery, human dignity and social justice  


Implementation of the Common Foreign and Security Policy
Tuesday 13 December 2016

Knut Fleckenstein
+ 33 3 88 17 5548 

The annual report addresses the most important developments in the implementation of CFSP over the last year and sets priorities for the future. While supporting the sanctions against Russia following the annexation of Crimea and the destabilisation of Eastern Ukraine, it also outlines areas of common interest for future cooperation. The report also takes stock of the security dimension and the recent developments especially the publication of the “Global Strategy”, while highlighting that Member States need to provide adequate funds in order to live up to the level of ambition.


Situation of fundamental rights in the European Union in 2015
Mondy 12 December 2016 

Péter Niedermüller
+ 33 3 88 17 5468 

The 2015 stock-taking report on the situation of fundamental rights is part of an annual exercise to see how the situation in the Member States and the EU evolves in its dynamics over the years. The S&D Group stands for the fundamental rights of all. Our priorities included having a dedicated chapter on the rule of law, emphasising the necessity for humane treatment and social inclusion of refugees and migrants, stepping up fight against discrimination, xenophobia, hate crime and hate speech, a strong chapter on Roma and broadening the scope of the chapter on violence against women to wider gender equality issues. We have also achieved the inclusion of a separate chapter on LGBTI right.


North-East Atlantic: deep-sea stocks and fishing in international waters
Monday 12 December 2016 

Isabelle Thomas  
+ 33 3 88 17 5432 

In 2012, a majority of parliamentarians had refused the the Commission’s proposal  to purely and simply ban deep sea fishing. With the Council, we had to build a regulation which takes into account both the environmental imperatives and socio-economic issues. This solution fits perfectly with our objectives of sustainable development.

The Parliament request a vote on a fair and balanced compromise; one that reconciles the preservation of the vulnerable seabed, the protection of deep-water species and the safeguarding of jobs that depend on this economic activity. Thanks to the introduction of the concept of the environmental footprint, deep sea fishing will now be limited to the areas already exploited by the past, and prohibited under 800 meters of depth.


General revision of Parliament's Rules of Procedure
Tuesday 13 December 2016 

Richard Corbett  
+ 33 3 88 17 5484 

This overhaul of Parliament's rules will make Parliament more efficient, transparent and accountable.

While media attention has focussed on the banning of paid lobbying second jobs for MEPs, tougher penalties for miscreant Members, and the introduction of a legislative footprint, a raft of more mundane measures - with almost every rules re-written - will make our rules clearer and our processes operate more smoothly.  They will also make it easier for EU citizens to understand how our institution works.

Our group has also ensured that concerns for gender equality and diversity can be properly dealt with. 


Award of the Sakharov Prize
Tuesday 13 December 2016 

Elena Valenciano
+ 33 3 88 17 5846 

This year the prize goes to the most vulnerable, persecuted and forsaken ones: thousands of Yazidi women have suffered and continue to suffer the terror, extreme cruelty and barbarity of Daesh. But they haven't resigned to being victims. These brave and admirable women have decided to speak out and defend themselves and their people. By awarding the Sakharov Prize to Nadia Murad Basee and Lamiya Aji Bashar, the European Parliament gives a voice to all women and girls who are the first victims in cases of conflict and also to all religious and ethnic minorities who are victims of genocide.


Implementation CAP tools to reduce price volatility in agricultural markets
Tuesday 13 December 2016 

Nicola Capouto
+ 33 3 88 17 5763 

The volatility of agricultural product prices is one of the main factors behind the calamitous situation currently faced by European farmers. Resolving that situation – in particular via the CAP – is part of the EU’s role. In order to help European farmers cope with volatile prices, the EU must develop new risk and crisis management tools and strengthen their bargaining position in the food supply chain, notably by introducing standard, transparent, balanced and collectively negotiated contracts laying down prices for products and payment periods. Moreover, the so-called “crisis reserve” should be kept outside the EU budget, to make it more flexible. The EU Commission should also study ways to prevent and combat price volatility crises through countercyclical aids that can protect farmers’ incomes more effectively. Finally I think it is essential to increase market transparency by establishing EU agricultural price observatories that cover the entire chain from producer price to final retail price and that have sufficient funding to be able to make recommendations.

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