President Gianni Pittella to lead S&D Bureau visit in Berlin next week to discuss current EU challenges

The S&D Bureau, led by Gianni Pittella, S&D Group president, will go on a political visit to Berlin on Monday and Tuesday next week  (25/26 April 2016).

The S&D Bureau will meet with the Bureau of the SPD Group and visit the SPD parliamentary group in the German Bundestag. Meetings will also be arranged with Sigmar Gabriel, Chair of the SPD and Frank-Walter Steinmeier, German Minister of Foreign Affairs.

In the context of the exchange on solutions to the refugee crisis, there will also be a meeting with Franziska Giffey, mayor of Neukölln, and a visit to the refugee camp in Wilmersdorf. 

Commenting on the upcoming visit, S&D Group president, Gianni Pittella, said:

"Answers to the various challenges the EU faces today, can only be European; whether it is economic policy, the migration crisis or the fight against terrorism. Only together can we find solutions that solve the huge problems Europe is faced with today.

"To do so, we need close cooperation between the national and European level and the joint work among the national parliamentary groups and the European Parliament. As a founding member of the EU, Germany is of course key for the future shape of Europe and during our visit next week in Berlin we will address the most urgent issues in our meetings with the SPD and others."

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