R&I: the S&D Group expects at least €120 billion for Horizon Europe budget

Research and Innovation are crucial to ensure a smooth transition to a sustainable social and economic model. This is why today the Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament expect a more ambitious EU budget than the one proposed today by the European Commission for the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027.

The EU Commission proposes a budget of €97.6 billion for the ninth EU framework programme ‘Horizon Europe’, but S&Ds demand at least €120 billion.

MEP Dan Nica, who is S&D spokesperson on industry, research and energy, will be the author of the parliamentary report on the regulation and rules of participation for Horizon Europe.

Dan Nica said:

“This framework programme is crucial to address the major challenges Europe’s society and economy are facing: the digital, technological and industrial transformation; the need to ensure the sustainability of our planet and resources - moving towards a circular economy -; citizens’ demands for a healthier food industry, and the ageing population, to name but a few.

“We are disappointed that the level of ambition that we had expected, in terms of budgetary means to face such challenges, has not been met. Global challenges only grew since the adoption of the current Horizon 2020 research programme. The Council and the Commission recognise that R&I are the key drivers for economic growth and societal progress: so, a stronger budgetary commitment is needed. The proposed €97.6 billion is not sufficient. We call for a Horizon Europe budget of, at least, €120 billion.

“We also want a simpler and more structured programme than has been the case for many years, and one that promotes fair and objective participation for all research and innovation teams throughout the EU. We will now work with stakeholders to make sure that the added value of European programmes translates into concrete benefits for our citizens.”

Soledad Cabezón MEP, S&D spokesperson for the Horizon Europe Specific Programme, said:

“Public efforts in terms of budget must be reciprocal and additional to private funds from industry, and must ensure that research funding has an equitable social impact.

“Furthermore, the SME instrument needs to be strengthened, the Commission must clearly reinforce and identify the SME program, keeping it separate with a specific budget. European industry is mainly constituted of SMEs that need public support for innovation the most. I welcome the connection of Horizon 2020 to the Erasmus program, in line with what the Parliament has been requesting, to bring the program closer to the educational sphere and to create an innovative culture in young people.

“Finally, it is necessary to have specific measures in terms of gender, taking advantage of all EU talent.”

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