S&D Euro MPs call for a swift implementation of the EU recovery plan with a strong social dimension

EU map and Euro sign cohesion policy funds

The Socialists and Democrats call for the implementation without delay of the unprecedented and much needed Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), during a debate today in the European Parliament in Strasbourg.  

Citizens and businesses throughout Europe expect the financial support as soon as possible to overcome the damage caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Green and digital are clear criteria established for the national plans tabled for the procedure of assessment by the European Commission. But it is essential to also include social criteria in line with the Porto Declaration on the European Social Pillar adopted a month ago.

These views will be included in a resolution to be adopted by the European Parliament.

Eider Gardiazabal MEP, S&D spokeswoman on budget, said:

“The Recovery and Resilience Facility aims at supporting substantial changes. In this process, the Social Pillar is crucial to get out of this crisis. The social impact will be a key factor for each and everyone to benefit from the national plans. 

“Therefore, we ask the Commission to do a social mainstreaming assessment of the national plans. Digital and green are important elements in the architecture of RRF, but the social dimension should be too.  

Jonás Fernández Alvarez MEP, S&D spokesman on economic issues, said:

“It is crucial for us as Socialists and Democrats that the recovery and resilience plans respect not only the green and digital objectives included in the RRF regulation, but also the promotion of social and territorial cohesion. Promoting social justice is a key priority for our political Group. The upcoming weeks will be crucial for the assessment procedure of the national recovery and resilience plans submitted by the EU member states. The European Commission shall comply with the Recovery and Resilience Facility regulation and share all relevant information with the European Parliament.”


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