The S&D Group welcomes the extension of nuclear talks between the 'E3+3' (France, Germany and the UK, plus the US, China and Russia) and Iran. While no final, comprehensive agreement was achieved by the deadline of 24 November, the collapse of the talks – and a return to confrontations – has been averted. All sides have engaged in sustained, serious talks that showed a shared commitment to a diplomatic solution.
S&D MEP and vice-president for foreign affairs Victor Boştinaru said:
"We call on all sides, in particular on the US and Iran, to take the final steps towards a mutually acceptable agreement that would ensure the Iranian nuclear programme is exclusively peaceful in nature and allow the easing of sanctions needed to make any agreement sustainable. Failure to find a compromise would embolden hardliners on both sides and increase the risk of derailing the talks and the progress achieved so far.
"By contrast, a satisfactory agreement would open new possibilities for co-operation with Iran which could potentially have beneficial effects on the situation in the Middle East, especially in the war against ISIS and in the stabilisation of Afghanistan. It would also create a better environment to address other challenges, such as the human rights situation in Iran."
Richard Howitt MEP, S&D Group's foreign affairs coordinator added:
"The consequences for the region and the wider world of reaching an agreement with Iran remain critical, so we should welcome the statement made by our own EU negotiators that real progress has been made this week and support the continuation of the talks.
"The Socialists and Democrats urge engagement between the European Union and Iran, and believe a comprehensive agreement on the nuclear issue is an essential part of achieving reform within the country and peace in the wider region."