S&D Group's news on the European Parliament's Plenary session in Strasbourg - 11 to 14 February 2019

S&D Group's news on the European Parliament's Plenary session in Strasbourg - 11 to 14 February 2019

State of the debate on the future of Europe

Ramón JÁUREGUI ATONDO        ramon.jaureguiatondo@ep.europa.eu +33(0)388 1 75582

“In May, EU Presidents and Prime Ministers will gather in Sibiu to set a new course for the EU. This report is the Parliament’s contribution to this debate on the future of Europe. In the time of Brexit and renewed nationalism across Europe, it is vital to find renewed energy to further the European project. The report underlines the successes achieved to date but also sets out concrete measures needed to for greater integration. We stress our commitment to the Spitzenkandidat process, support the reforms needed to fix the Eurozone, and stress the need for real social policies to underpin all that Europe does. Half a century after the Treaty of Rome, we need to find a renewed energy and purpose for our Union.”

S&D press officer: Tim Allan +32 475 63 56 73


Constitutional affairs reports

Mercedes BRESSO           mercedes.bresso@ep.europa.eu             +33(0)388 1 75148

 “Next week the European Parliament will vote on a series of reports about how the structures of the EU can be more effective. We will vote on reports calling for more checks and balances on the role of the European Commission, promoting the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU and EU citizenship, and ensuring that enhanced cooperation as seen in the treaties is working effectively. With a member state leaving the EU for the first time, now is an important moment to take stock and ensure that the structures of the EU are working effectively and see how they can work even better.”

S&D press officer: Tim Allan +32 475 63 56 73


Situation in Syria

Victor BOŞTINARU          victor.bostinaru@ep.europa.eu               +33(0)388 1 75832 

“Although we have seen a decrease in the intensity of fighting in Syria over the last few months, the future of the country and the population remains in the balance. It has become a focal point of geopolitics, with major regional and global powers fighting proxy wars in the country. All countries must show restraint and do all they can to protect civilians caught in the cross fire. The crisis in Syria can only be resolved with a political solution and relations cannot be normalised until this is in place. The EU has a fundamental role to play in supporting this political solution.”

S&D press officer: Inga Czerny-Grimm + 32 474 62 28 84



Protection of Animals during Transport within and outside EU

Maria NOICHL   maria.noichl@ep.europa.eu      +33(0)388 1 75157

“It is clear that the current rules designed to protect animals during transport inside and outside the EU are partly too weak and are partly not being properly enforced. Our Group has been at the forefront of the fight for more humane treatment of animals. In this report, we have pushed for member states for example to carry out more unannounced controls, to ensure that companies are really complying with the laws and meeting the requirements for minimum space in transport vehicles. We have also insisted that transport should be avoided if temperature is above 30 degrees. Additionally to having strong protections on paper, we continue to fight for a consequent implementation in practice on site. This report is a step forward for animal protection in the EU.”
S&D press officer: Victoria Martín De La Torre     + 32 473 23 41 73 


Common provisions on the European Regional Development Fund

Constanze Krehl               constanze.krehl@ep.europa.eu                +33(0)388 1 75134 

"Almost €380 billion to support all regions and to boost development and tackle inequality between and within member states is a big success. We have pushed for an increase in the money available for regions with high youth unemployment or integrating large numbers of migrants. We have also pushed for more money to help societies make the transition to a low-carbon economy, both creating opportunities for new high-skilled jobs and tackling climate change. We want to create 1 million jobs in the EU. "

S&D press officer: Jan Bernas: +32 471 64 87 77


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