The S&D Group congratulates Hillary Clinton on her acceptance of the Democratic nomination for President of the United States of America. In a four day mission in Philadelphia to attend the Democratic Convention, an S&D delegation led by president Gianni Pittella, vice-presidents Knut Fleckenstein and Tanja Fajon and by Jeppe Kofod, D-US vice chair for the EU Parliament, met with several US personalities, among others, Bernie Sanders, Bill Clinton, Madeleine Albright and the Trade Union's president, Richard Trumka.
In a joint declaration, president Pittella, vice-presidents Fleckenstein, Fajon and MEP Kofod stated:
"She is widely experienced, strongly motivated, a promoter of human and minority rights, a progressive who believes in improving the life chances of everyone in society. This week Hillary demonstrated why she should be the next President of the United States and the first women-president in US history. The S&D Group strongly backs Hillary Clinton.
Hillary gave a powerful and progressive speech. She talked to the hearts of all people. She talked to all Americans, young and old, white and black, regardless of religious belief or sexual orientation. Hillary put forward a concrete agenda showing how she can improve people's everyday lives. She put forward the politics of hope and change over those of hate and discrimination.
We welcome the proposals that strongly reinforce fiscal and social justice and fight tax evasion in particular, on how to widen health and child-care rights, how to secure equal access to education throughout all social classes, how to guarantee equal pay for equal work, gender equality, women and minorities' rights.
A social agenda following the progressive approach outlined by Bernie Sanders whose contribution in terms of politics, backing and passion will be vital in this election.
We welcome Hillary's commitment to continue fighting against climate change and for sustainable development. We also welcome her commitment to fight tax avoidance, a political priority we share.
This is not a normal election between a Democrat and a Republican candidate. There is much more here at stake: US democracy, the peace and stability in the world and transatlantic relations. The US have been infected by the same virus of populism, racism, xenophobia that has affected Europe. This virus in Europe is named Le Pen in France, Farage in Great Britain, Orbán in Hungary, Northern League in Italy and Kaczynski in Poland. In the US this virus is named Donald Trump.
Business as usual is not an option; for Europe and for the US. The world needs a reliable, effective and democratic Europe and US. The world surely does not need Trump or his populist friends in Europe. Donald Trump is just not reliable."
The US and EU must work together to tackle terrorism, poverty and war, migration and other global challenges. We all are stronger together.
The world and the EU need the United States of America. We need Hillary Clinton to become the next US President.